The series “Tessuto Urbano” portrays the seven Sestieri of Venice through a succession of seven shots obtained from the same seventeenth-century lace belonging to the Burano Museum Collection. Each photograph reproduces, according to a reduced scale reproduction, a Venetian Sestiere, guiding the viewer among the intricate finishes of the fabric that become the “calli” and “campielli” of the city. The lace, a symbol of the lagoon’s textile manufacturing past and presence, has stimulated the artist’s historical soul and is a metaphor for the city urban dimension of the city. “Lagunenwalzer”, that goes along with the “merletto” is a selection of 46 vinyl records taken from a venetian archive of punk music. The records, in their tight succession, become the correlative of water that seeps into Venice and constitutes its peculiarity. The etched-surface vinyls outline the horizon of the view, and their provocative titles allude to the revolutionary yet latent spirit of the city.
Tessuto urbano
From 24 March to 26 November 2023
Venice, Palazzo Mocenigo Museum – White Room
In collaboration with Sonnabend Gallery, New York City
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